Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Short and Sweet

Per Jenni's request, this post will be short and sweet ;)
Davan and I just go back from AZ yesterday. We had an awesome trip! Got my hair done, and it looks FANTASTIC!!! (Thanks Jenni! You're the best!) I exercised every day I was there (go me!) and ate healthy most of the time, and it totally paid off! I lost two pounds last week!! We went to Amanda's baby shower on Saturday, and it was wonderful to get to see the whole family. I love the cousins! After the shower, I scampered over to the Camelback Marriott to go to Kevin and Victoria's reception. It was so beautiful! I am so glad they are happy and married. Lucky them, they went to hawaii for their honeymoon (and narrowly missed the tsunami, which, by the way, is my favorite ride at Santa Cruz!) Sunday was a lazy day with family. We played aggrivation at the Bias house, and the girls won (finally) I love being with family and playing games! Monday I went running and also got to hang out with the seeesssttteeerrrssss at the mall. We had food and did some shopping. We got matching shirts, and then found this fantastic little boutique where they had necklaces for $2!! So cute, and so matchey it made me sick, lol! Monday night I got to go to Amanda's house again for dinner with the cousins. It was great! Except Davan wasn't his smiley self, and it was difficult to interact with the fam with a screaming baby. Tuesday I left AZ bright and early, and met a new friend who sat by me on both legs of the flight! She has an adorable 5 month old daughter! I invited them to the playdate, which reminds me I need to tell Kelly, since she needs to know there are going to be two more people in her house on Friday! I am sick today, so hopefully I will be better by the time Friday rolls around. Hope everyone is well out there in internet land! I will post some cute pics on FB later this week. Or maybe today, if I decide to roll off the couch. Blech, I don't feel well! Where's the soup?!