Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New eyeballs are the best!

Happy Tuesday everyone! And what a wonderful day it is! Even though it is a day without sun, I am in such a wonderful mood today! Yesterday I had my eyes lasered. It went really well! And when I came home, my wonderful friends were there to help me out so that I could sleep off the pain meds! I have the greatest friends ever, and I am so lucky to live so close to them all! I am in my bed right now, listening to the baby scream. Sounds cruel, I know, but he has already been up and had breakfast. He was getting cranky and rubbing his eyes. Usually he goes down for a nap this time every morning. But for some reason this morning he would rather scream than sleep! Poor guy! If this keeps up, I might have to go save him! It breaks my heart to hear him cry, and all I want to do is snuggle him and tell him everything will be ok. But I know if I go in there and save him, he will still be upset, and he will miss his morning nap. Such a tough decision.
I missed the Bachelor last night, and then everyone posted stuff on Facebook about it. I have to close my eyes and scroll past it! I will go watch it today, as soon as the baby falls asleep =) I am going to Arizona tomorrow, and I am so excited! Well, AZ will be really nice, but I haven't been there without Paul, so it is going to be a little bit depressing as well. I am going to miss Paul so much! I wish he could come with me, and we could hold hands on the plane, and take pictures with the cacti, and watch the sun rise (which I can see now that I have been lasered!) and this all seems like a picture-perfect imaginary trip with Paul... I know in reality if we went there together, we would end up on a couch watching the Olympics, and maybe eat some food. That would be it. And since that is all it would be, I might as well go by myself, hehe! I get to see my family (and hopefully the young seeeester will be there) and I get to go to my cousins wedding! I am extremely excited to go to their wedding, because it will be the first time since my wedding that our family will be in the temple together! It is so beautiful and peaceful there. When I am there it feels like the whole world has stopped, and everything is perfect. I am sad, however, that my cousins baby shower is at the same time as the wedding! I wish the shower could have been earlier in the day so I can see all of my relatives on that side of the family! Tragically they are at the same time, and I will have to figure out another way to see everyone!
Well, I have a busy day in front of me, starting off with watching the Bachelor (haha!!) and then off to appointments, shopping for last minute things, packing, and getting all ready to leave town tomorrow. Dear family, here I come!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nothing new here... Or is there?

It is midnight. Yes, that is right. I actually stayed up late tonight! Yesterday our heater broke downstairs. So all day today I was avoiding the house because it was a brisk 55 degrees. If I wanted to hang out in 55 degree weather, I would have put a lawn chair outside. Hopefully the heater will be fixed by tomorrow. But for now we let the dog come upstairs, and the baby is wearing extra layers to bed. And here I am. Up at midnight. I have a lot on my mind. Mostly just how hungry I am. I have been working really hard to lose weight, and so far I have done a great job! But I feel like a little orphin child sometimes in that I feel like my tummy is never full. I hate that. I wish I could find something that tasted delicious, and had extremely low calories. It would be nice to I could eat and eat and eat and feel completely full and not have to worry about how many calories I have consumed. I love chocolate. Where is all the diet chocolate? Where are all the anvils? (if anyone gets that reference to the anvils, you are my new soul mate) Speaking of Sole mates, Paul and I went down to the store and stood on that new Dr. Schulls foot thingy that tells you what kind of inserts you should buy. We were hoping that we would be literally sole mates... Tragically we are not. But we are still in love, and we are going to make this relationship work! HAHA! Paul is awesome. He goes to work every day for our family. Such dedication!!! I love him so much! I just wish I could see him more. I probably should stop saying that, I know he already feels bad about not spending so much time with us... But we understand =)
On a brighter note, now that it is after midnight, today is the 18th!! Horray! I am excited because my new climbing shoes are coming in the mail today... I probably won't get to use them till March because of various reasons, but at least I can hug them and try them on!!! This month is a busy one! On this coming Monday I have decided to have lasiks on my eyeballs, because that is where you have lasiks. I am really excited to say farewell to the glasses!!!!!! Horray! Then on Wednesday I get to travel across the country with Davan. We are going to Arizona to attend my cousins wedding. It is going to be fabulous! And while I am there I am going to say hi to all of those long lost friends! Hello friends, be there soon!!
Davan has been adorable the last few weeks. He still loves the ladies at the children's place at the gym, but he has taken a big dislike to men. (which is good) He screams when I have other guys hold him. Like the other day, we had a playdate at my house. My friend Patrick was over with his cute son Eli. As soon as Davan was in Patricks arms, he started screaming his face off!!! Same with on Sunday when a friend from church asked to hold him. I handed Davan over, and he just started screaming, turned his poor little face all red!! I love Davan, he is adorable, even when he is screaming. We found out he has a new favorite song. He like's the It's Raining Men song... It could be my awesome dancing or my singing that gets him, but he just starts giggling and blubbering away when that song comes on! Cutest thing ever! Next time he does it, I will record it.
Well, that has to be all for tonight, my arms are going to fall off from frostbite. Tragic, I will miss the only two appendages that still look halfway decent after having a baby! No pictures for this post, tragically enough, I don't know why we didn't take any pictures around Valentine's day. Maybe I will dress him up now and shoot some cute pix! Keep an eye out next week =)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

Happy Superbowl everyone! We are watching the half time show right now. I am not really into it though, I am not a huge fan of the Who. It would be nice if they would put people that are currently big and famous, but I guess Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake ruined that for everyone. The lights and fireworks are pretty, but other than that, the music is not so good. The lead singer looks like he is going to pass out from lack of oxygen. Or he might just have a heart attack right there on the stage. That would be embarrassing... Then hopefully the superbowl committee would go back to picking famous people.... A big sorry out there to anyone who likes the Who!! The game has been pretty exciting, except we are not really a fan of either team, so we are not really sure who to root for!!! Davan is loving the game!! Although, he loves all TV. We have been letting him watch the Baby's Signing Time dvd. (Thanks Papa and Juju!!) He is really cute, he makes the sign for milk and the sign for dog. Although I don't think he even knows what they mean =) it is still adorable!!

This week has been another busy one! I have been working with a personal trainer at the gym, and now my legs are killing me!!! It is wonderful! Davan loves hanging out in the child care center, he flirts with all of the ladies there. He always has a big smile on his face when I go in to pick him up. I've decided that my favorite part of the gym is the cardio cinema. You get to work out in a dark room with a big screen movie playing. I have also been working hard on the Oakleaf auction. The Oakleaf club is a group for medical officer's spouses which I have joined. I have made a lot of friends though that group. I have also been baking a whole bunch for the Oakleaf bake sale. I made these really cute heart shaped cup cakes out of red velvet cake. I also helped make hershey kiss roses to sell. I am so excited for Valentine's day! Paul is taking me out for a special date on the 12th (because that's when he has off) and then on the 13th there is a group date with some of the couples from Oakleaf! It snowed again on Friday night, and our backyard is all white again. I LOVE the snow!! We made little snowmen, they were awesome!

Davan and I are excited (but sad to leave Paul) as we travel across the country once again. We are going to Arizona to be at my cousin Kevin's wedding. That should be a lot of fun! I am really excited to see family and friends again! I watched a movie the other day and it had a lot of pictures of AZ, and I really missed it! So it will be really nice to be back for a few days =)

We have been putting Davan in his walker, and tonight he took four steps forward in it! We are making improvements, since last week he could only walk backwards. It was pretty sad because he would get stuck in a corner, and couldn't get out! He would just stand there crying until someone came and saved him. We are trying to teach him to pick up his little cereal treats. Maybe he'll have it by the end of the week! Right now they usually end up on the floor where Snoopy likes to lick them up. Snoopy is getting faster and more sneaky!

I have been looking into laser eye surgery, and I have narrowed it down to three places, so I am visiting the last two this week, and hopefully by march I will be glasses and contacts free!!!!! (Hopefully!) Oh, also in March, Davan will be having his surgery on the 15th.

Hope all is well for everyone out there! We miss everyone and hope to hear from each of you very soon!

~Paul, Heidi, Davan and Snoopy